What is the most indestructible dog toy you’ve found? What’s the one toy where you actually think – wow, I really got my money’s worth for that dog product? Most dog owners will laugh about the fact that the truly indestructible toys are the ones the dogs don’t want to play with!
In the search for the most indestructible toy, my husband and I started paying attention to the material that the dog toy was made of. We tried fancy toys made of recycled fire hoses or named Godzilla. We tried the stuffed toys, then removed all the stuffing, and gave the toy back to the dog to play with just the fabric. We tried rubber toys like the Kong. It feels like we’ve tried them all.
In our personal experience, the best value and longest-lasting toy that our dog Sunshine enjoyed playing with the most was made of a rare material used for dog toys – latex. We lovingly call this dog toy “the monkey”. Sunshine loves his monkey, and he’ll play with it everyday. It’s one of the only toys we’ve ever seen him curl up and sleep next to. Something about the monkey fascinates him and keeps his attention longer than other toys. Also, each monkey has lasted several weeks before requiring a “touch up” from us or that we remove it from Sunshine.
Has anyone else tried the monkey? And why aren’t more dog toys made of latex?
- Posted by Charlotte Bencaz, owner of an almost 2-year old Golden Retriever named Sunshine