Chewed Art: The Art of Deconstruction

Chewed Art: The Art of Deconstruction
Chewed Art: The Art of Deconstruction

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pillow Pets: As a Dog Toy?

Pillow pet, pillow pet – if you caught any commercials on TV or walked into any local drug store during the 2010 Christmas season, you have this catchy jingle in your head already!  Pillow pets were a great holiday gift for children this past year, but were they also a dog toy? 

We hosted my husband’s annual company holiday party at our house this year, and of course we played the traditional white elephant / Secret Santa / (insert any of the other 100 names for this popular holiday game).  Everyone brought a present, and then we drew numbers to either choose a wrapped gift, or to steal another person’s unwrapped present. 

Everything was progressing well with the holiday game until one coworker’s guest for the party unwrapped a pillow pet – and Sunshine, or dog, made a beeline to get it!  This poor guest had no choice but to just let Sunshine have the pillow pet!  It was so funny to watch him go crazy for this children’s toy and turn it into a dog toy.

We had to watch Sunshine with his pillow pet very closely to make sure he didn’t eat any of the stuffing, but the toy did last for a good 1-2 days before he was able to get inside of it.  We even had my mother-in-law sew it back together to get a few more days out of the toy.

Has anyone else ever used a pillow pet as a dog toy?  Post your stories here!

-  Posted by Charlotte Bencaz, owner of an almost 2-year old Golden Retriever named Sunshine

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